Filming for a unique Valentine’s Day project is completed by Apurba and Niha


The 13-day project was filmed in Rajshahi, Nawabganj, and Dhaka

For the first time, rising star Naznin Nahar Niha and actor Ziaul Faruq Apurba collaborated on a play. The project is called “Mon-Duari” and was directed by Jakaria Showkhin. Showkhin and Nasir Khan co-wrote the script. Over the course of 13 days, the project was filmed in Rajshahi, Nawabganj, and Dhaka.

Speaking about the drama, Apurba said, “Niha has a lot of potential to succeed. One of her most notable traits is her desire to study and enhance her acting abilities. This attribute alone will help her advance. You will have to see this drama to believe Niha’s outstanding performance in it.

“I’ve always wanted to perform with Apurba bhaia, and that dream has now come true,” Niha revealed. I’m genuinely joyful. Throughout the endeavor, Showkhin bhaia and Apurba bhaia have provided support. I put my all into the project.

“Valentine’s Day Special Releases: Unique Story”

“Valentine’s Day special releases are typically made in a similar style, but the story of our project is entirely unique,” director Jakaria Showkhin clarified. For now, that’s all I have to say. After seeing it, one will receive evidence.

Centers on family dynamics

In the midst of a love tale, the drama “Mon-Duari” centers on family dynamics. Family conflicts occur when Apurba’s character brings his grandma home from New York. He gets to know Niha’s endearing and naughty persona throughout this period.

Love slowly blossoms between them as their bond deepens. The main male calls Niha’s character “Mon-Duari,” which means the key to his soul, because of the way her lovely disposition opens his heart.

Alongside Apurba and Niha, Dilara Zaman, Aminur Rahman Bachchu, Shafiul Alam Babu, Mili Munshi, Sharmin Sultana Shormi, and Raisa also perform in the drama.

“Mon-Duari” Drama Overview

“Mon-Duari” consists of two songs: the first was written by Sajid Sarker and featured vocals by Kona and Rehaan Rasul, along with lyrics by Someshwar Ali. Sajib Das provides the voiceover for the second song, which was written by Limon and has music by Nazir Mahmud.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, the drama “Mon-Duari” will be made available on the CMV YouTube channel on February 14.

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