Japan will provide $5.45 million to Bangladesh for the monitoring of air pollution

Grant to enhance air pollution monitoring

Japan will contribute $5.45 million (Tk 64.87 crore) to a project that would enhance Bangladesh’s air pollution monitoring.

According to a press statement, the governments of Japan and Bangladesh signed a grant agreement and exchange of notes today.

Japan-Bangladesh Air Pollution Measurement Agreements

Japan was represented by Japanese Ambassador SAIDA Shinichi and JICA Bangladesh Chief Representative Ichiguchi Tomohide, while Bangladesh was represented by Md Shahriar Kader Siddiky, secretary of the Economic Relations Division, who signed the agreements.

The project will improve the nation’s ability to measure and evaluate air pollution, especially from automobile emissions, and is scheduled to be carried out by the Department of Environment from March 2025 to June 2028.

Japan’s Investment in Bangladesh

According to the press release, Continuous Air Monitoring Stations will be established in Chattogram and Dhaka to evaluate their effects.

Japan has invested $32.61 billion since Bangladesh’s independence, making it the country’s biggest bilateral development partner.

In addition to soft loans, Japan offers substantial grants and technical support for environmental preservation, socioeconomic advancement, and human resource development.

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